Monday, 27 February 2012


When I first saw the photos of the dresses, I am sad to say that I was fairly disappointed by the choice of dresses; many were ill-fitting, predictable and well, a bit dull. Needless to say, I managed to find a few I liked as shown above...

Michelle Williams in Louis Vuitton : Not a fan of the unnecessary bow on the waistband, however, it fits perfectly and I am proud to see someone dare a 'pop' of colour which undoubtedly, suits her to the bone. Nice dramatic tail and unusual lacey-effect material.
Gywneth Paltrow in Tom Ford : Clean cut, classic and pure and the cape adds a new dimension to the whole red carpet; never done before but not quite sure why... (note to self: must buy cape dress)
Kirsten Wiig in J Mendal : The mesh looks a little cheap when the dress clearly is not but the bodice is beautiful; matches her skin tone perfectly and shows off her tiny waist.
Milla Jovovich in Ellie Saab : Big fan of Ellie Saab, big fan of this dress. 'Glitz' and glam without being over the top. Elegance and 'Hollywood starlet' at it's best. And Milla doesn't look too bad either.
Angelina Jolie in Versace : Would I ever wear this? No, simply because of the ridiculous big... thing at the back which is not really seen. Saying this, it's allover Jolie; velvet, thigh-high split, black and as sexy as it gets. No one else could wear this like Angelina.

What I love about events such as the Oscars is how well the dresses personify their wearer. It proves that yes, fashion does express who we are; this expression may be overused and a little cheesy but I believe it to be true. Some would disagree with this statement but they would be taking it the wrong way. I am not meaning that we should judge a book but perhaps starting to understand what genre the book may be.

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